Mostly all features on the business page are kept open to the public. You could decide to keep some of your documents away from the public view.
These documents include photos, comments, posts and other aspects of your business page that you want to keep private.
There are settings on Facebook that allow you to maintain control of your page at all times.
Here, you will be guided on how to access these settings and will equally get an explanation of how these privacy settings affect the visibility of your page.
Set Up Your Business Page
On the left side of your home Facebook login screen under “Page” once our business page is set. Click on your business page’s name and let it load in your browser.
Click on “Edit Page” in the top right corner. a drop-down menu will be opened, select “Edit Settings.”
Manage Page Settings
Once the Edit Settings is clicked on, the Facebook business page’s settings loads afterward.
All of the privacy control features for your Facebook page is controlled by this page.
You’ll see different ways to restrict people from seeing your page or posts and limit posting to your business page.
Make Your Page Visible
The page visibility function controls whether your entire Facebook business is private or public.
And of course you know anyone can view your page when itis kept public.
Clicking on “Page published” or “Page unpublished” takes you to a checkbox and if you place a check in “Unpublish Page,” then only you and other admins who control the page can see your business page.
This should only be checked if you are taking down your Facebook business page for a temporary period of time or you want to completely disable views for your business on Facebook.
Unpublishing your Facebook page even if you are making significant changes is not advisable.
You can also set allowances for posts under “Post Visibility.” You can choose to allow posts from others on your page timeline or hide posts. You can also place a check mark in “Highlight recent posts by others in a box at the top of my Page timeline” if you want more recent posts to be visible. People like to know their voices are head, so if you do choose to allow posts by others, then you’ll want the newest posts to be highlighted.
Have Restrictions for your Page
Without setting your page’s boundaries, people will definitely make a mess of your page for you.
In order to keep everything in check. it is proper to set a boundary to operations going on on the page. These boundaries could include;
- The posts allowed by individuals on the page: You could decide to be the only person permitted to post anything on the page. All you need to do is to uncheck the “Everyone can post to [your business page’s name]” option and also the “Everyone can post pictures and videos to [your business page’s name] option on your page’s timeline”.
- The posts you want to be visible on your page: They will be various posts from other pages posted on your business page timeline, you are at liberty to decide the ones you want to be visible or not.
- The Audience who visit your page: Under “Messages”, you can control who sends you messages and also your page visitors. Inclusive of their Ages thereby reducing the underage view of post that was actually meant for adult view and their Nationality i.e their country. Blocking certain countries helps you checkmate the spams you are getting on your page which you cannot trace to any root.
- The liberty of visitors to send replies to your posts: Replies most toes could be very offensive but it is advisable that you give people the opportunity to sned feed-backs on your contents. Thereby giving you a clue on where needs improvement and where you did well.
Keep Your Page Moderate
The “Page Moderation” feature allows you to pick how to blog comments or posts that contain certain phrases or keywords. For instance, you can choose a frequent keyword to help you moderate comments.
These posts will now be blocked automatically. You can also set a filter on adult language using “Profanity Filter” settings underneath page moderation.
Your business page can now run as private as you want, Goodluck.