Keypoints from the ASAP Document

The Accelerated Stabilisation and Advancement Plan (ASAP) document outlines an economic stabilization and intervention plan addressing various macroeconomic challenges and proposing strategic responses to improve Nigeria’s economic conditions. Here are the key points: Economic Challenges High Inflation: Current inflation rate is 33.2%. High MPR Rates: Current MPR (Monetary Policy Rate) is 24.8%. Currency Depreciation: The … Read more

How to Tell the Difference Between Cellulose And Asbestos Insulation

how to tell the difference between cellulose and asbestos insulation

Let’s explore how to tell the difference between cellulose and asbestos insulation. Until recently, asbestos was used for insulation. Following widespread public awareness, cellulose replaced asbestos. If you own an older home or property, you should know how to tell the difference between asbestos and cellulose insulation. If your home is contaminated with asbestos, you … Read more